Publicaciones relacionadas con la etiqueta FUNNYBONES HALLOWEEN
    Escrito por ESTHER GONZÁLEZ CABRERA, martes 20 de noviembre de 2012 , 17:31 hs , en ENGLISH


    Hi everybody!!!

    This is the link to listen and watch the video:


    We have read this story of Funnybones in Halloween thanks to the books donated for the first term by the programme "Welcome Aboard" with "Fundación Germán Sánchez Ruipérez".

    And this is our "Funnybones" made with recycled material: roll paper cilinders.

    I hope you like it!

    All students in 1º, 2º. 3º and 4º grade have participated in Arts and Crafts class!!!!

    Etiquetas: funnybones halloween
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